For the couple of days we've been talking about how to convert existing CGI based applications to PSGI, and then run them as a PSGI application. Today we'd show you the ultimate way to run any CGI scripts as a PSGI application, most of the time unmodified.
CGI::PSGI is a subclass of to allow you a very easy migration from with only a few lines of code changes to run it on PSGI environment. But what about a messy or legacy CGI script that just prints to STDOUT a lot and is not easy to fix?
CGI::Emulate::PSGI is a module to run any CGI based perl program in a PSGI environment. Whatever messy/old script that prints stuff to STDOUT or directly reads HTTP headers from %ENV
would just work because that's what CGI::Emulate::PSGI tries to emulate. The original POD of CGI::Emulate::PSGI was illustrating it like:
use CGI::Emulate::PSGI;
CGI::Emulate::PSGI->handler(sub {
do "/path/to/foo.cgi";
CGI::initialize_globals() if &CGI::initialize_globals;
to run existing CGI application that may or may not use ( caches lots of environment variables so it needs initialize_globals()
call to clear out the previous request variables).
A few days ago on my flight from San Francisco to London to attend London Perl Workshop I was hacking on something more intelligent, that is to take any CGI scripts and compiles it into a subroutine. The module is named CGI::Compile and should be best used combined with CGI::Emulate::PSGI.
my $sub = CGI::Compile->compile("/path/to/script.cgi");
my $app = CGI::Emulate::PSGI->handler($sub);
There's also Plack::App::CGIBin Plack application to run existing CGI scripts written in Perl as PSGI applications, suppose you have bunch of CGI scripts in /path/to/cgi-bin
, you'll run the server with:
> plackup -MPlack::App::CGIBin -e 'Plack::App::CGIBin->new(root => "/path/to/cgi-bin"))'
And that will mount the path /path/to/cgi-bin
, so suppose you have
in that directory, you can access http://localhost:5000/ to run the CGI application as a PSGI over the plackup, just like the scripts running on Apache mod_perl Registry mechanism.
Thanks for your work on this.
Posted by: Mark Stosberg | 02/11/2010 at 09:04 AM